Ensuring Notifications are enabled.

It has come to our attention that some Parents are not receiving Notifications from Canvas due to not confirming their email addresses.

Users who have not confirmed their email addresses in Canvas do not receive email notifications.

If you notice that you are not receiving email notifications, please check to see if your email address is confirmed by clicking on Account > Settings in the upper left corner of Canvas.

In the right margin of the “Settings” page, click on the email address you need to confirm (the email address will appear in blue text).

Click on the email address you need to confirm.

In the “Confirm Email Address” window,

Click on the Re-send Confirmation link.

Click “Re-Send Confirmation” to receive a new confirmation email from Canvas.

Check your email inbox for the confirmation email and follow the instructions to finalize your email confirmation. If you do not see the email in your inbox, check your spam folder.

Please contact ict@nexus.edu.sg if you have any questions or need assistance.

Please can we also politely request that you check the following help guides to ensure that you are receiving the level of Notifications to the correct email address.

For all of these help guides and more such as how to view grades and assignments please bookmark the Canvas Observer Guide for future reference.